Call for Paper - Special Issues
Research in International Business and Finance (RIBAF)
This SI welcomes research related to ESG disclosure and information asymmetry (e.g. accounting), ESG integration (e.g. finance), as well as ESG issues in the real-estate sector. Topics include, but are not limited to:
– ESG disclosure and ESG ratings divergence in Asia
– Impact of media attention on ESG performance in Asia
– COVID-19 impacts on ESG integration in Asia
– Responsible investing and green financing in the real-estate sector in Asia
– The value of ESG practices for the real-estate sector in Asia
– ESG greenwashing in Asia
– ESG initiatives and values of Asian firms
Guest editors:
– Prof. Louis T.W. Cheng, Hang Seng University of Hong Kong
– Prof. C.S. Agnes Cheng, University of Oklahoma
– Dr. Jianfu Shen, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Submission procedure:
SI topic: ESG Integration: An Asian Perspective
The Research in International Business and Finance’s submission system is opened for submissions for the Special Issue “ESG Integration: An Asian Perspective” from March 18 to December 31, 2024. Please submit your manuscript to the Editorial Manager and select the article type “VSI: ESG Integration”.
Accepted manuscripts are expected to be published on a rolling basis until June 30, 2025. A submission fee is required and the procedure required by the Journal. The submission will only be considered after payment of the submission fee. There is an option to present your paper at ESG Summit in Bali.
All papers will be peer-reviewed according to Elsevier’s and RIBAF’s policy. This SI will be an article collection or virtual SI. This means that accepted articles will be immediately sent to production rather than waiting for a bundling of all eventually accepted articles. Articles from this SI will be clearly marked as special issue articles. Please ensure you read the Guide for Authors before submitting your manuscript.
Guide for authors:
For more details of the Special Issue:
ESG; Greenwashing; COVID; Asia

Asian Journal of Accounting Research (AJAR)
Sustainability has become a paramount concern not only for governmental bodies but also for corporations. The pressing nature of this issue necessitates increased collaboration among entities, adherence to various reporting and implementation standards, engagement with diverse raters and auditors, and consideration of the interconnectedness between sustainability and financial matters, among other phenomena. This invitation extends to research endeavors pertaining to any sustainability issues intersecting with accounting and business processes. We welcome contributions from both governmental and corporate perspectives, with a particular focus on the context of developing countries. Topics include, but are not limited to:
– Quality of sustainability disclosure from various channel (e.g., report, website, media)
– Corporates and/or governments’ sustainability performance
– The development of various sustainability standards and raters
– Assurance service in sustainability context
– Sustainable finance and sustainability-related taxonomy
– Connectivity between sustainability and financial reports
– Trends and mitigation actions for greenwashing
– Sustainability strategies and initiatives
Guest editors:
– Prof. Louis T.W. Cheng, Hang Seng University of Hong Kong
– Prof. Hung-Gay Fung, University of Missouri-St. Louis
– Dr. Jingran Zhao, Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Submission procedure:
The Asian Journal of Accounting Research’s submission system will be open for the Special Issue “Sustainability: A Journey for Better Future in Developing Countries” from 15 April 2024. When submitting your manuscript please select the article type “VSI: Sustainability”. Please submit your manuscript to Editorial Manager before 15 October 2024.
Accepted manuscripts are expected to be published on a rolling basis until 31 May 2025. There is an option to present your paper at a physical conference which features the same theme on Asia sustainability after the submission to the SI.
All papers will be peer-reviewed according to Emerald’s and AJAR’s policy. This SI will be an article collection or virtual SI. This means that accepted articles will be immediately sent to production rather than waiting for a bundling of all eventually accepted articles. Articles from this SI will be clearly marked as special issue articles. Please ensure you read the Guide for Authors before submitting your manuscript.
ESG; Sustainability; Greenwashing
Learn more about the benefits of publishing in a special issue.
For more details of the Special Issue, please visit AJAR’s website

Journal of Asian Public Policy (JAPP)
Recently, applying ESG to enhance business sustainability has become an important objective for corporations. While ESG integration is often an issue driven by business’ own initiatives, ESG disclosure can be more related to regulations and policy. As ESG integration and disclosure are popular research topics, it is time to explore their policy implications in the Asian context. This SI welcomes research related to the following topics applied to a specific industry sector, the financial sector or all non-financial sectors in Asia:
– Policy outcome evaluations relating green/environmental regulations to business sustainability
– Policy outcome evaluations relating ESG disclosure regulations to business sustainability
– ESG performance and related financial performance as a result of national policies
– Policy implications for establishing an ESG framework for listed firms
– Policy implications for establishing an ESG framework for non-listed firms
– Financial policies and their effects on enhancing ESG integration
– Outcomes of green financing policies
– Outcomes of policy and incentive scheme related to ESG/green capacity building, infrastructure, and nurturing talents
– Any research issues demonstrating a significant relationship between ESG regulations and business sustainability
Guest editor:
– Prof. Louis T.W. Cheng, The Hang Seng University of Hong Kong

Submission procudures:
All papers submitted to the SI for consideration should be sent to the SI editor directly through the online submission HERE. All submitted papers will be pre-viewed by the SI Guest Editor and accepted papers will go through the peer-reviewed process*. Please ensure you read the Guide for Authors before submitting your manuscript. Accepted manuscripts are expected to be published in a single SI in the third quarter of 2025. Should you have any inquiries, please contact: rib.support@hsu.edu.hk
Asian Policy; ESG; Green; Business Sustainability
*The Editor-in-Chief of JAPP reserves the right for the final publication decisions of the SI.