Director's Message
Established in 2021/22, the Research Centre for ESG (CESG) was created to facilitate academic research, conduct knowledge transfer, and educate the society about ESG and business sustainability. Currently, a significant portion of the research of the Centre is funded by the Institutional Development Scheme of the Research Grants Council (RGC) of Hong Kong (RGC Ref. No.: UGC/IDS(R)14/21). The four research components are: (1) Incorporating social returns into the ESG integration process, (2) Improving KPIs of ESG reporting for listed firms, (3) Measuring consumer satisfaction on ESG performance, and (4) Enhancing the effectiveness of strategic corporate communication on ESG effort for listed firms.
Welcome to the ESG Centre website and we hope that you will find useful information here.
Professor Louis CHENG
Dr S H Ho Professor of Banking and Finance
Director of Research Centre for ESG
Our ESG Framework

Click here to download the framework
Role of Centre
The Centre aims to conduct research and consultancy projects to support better ESG engagement and integration for businesses and the society. The major roles of the Centre include:
1. To facilitate academic research
In terms of research, we aim to integrate different academic areas including finance, accounting, marketing, decision sciences, and communication to construct a comprehensive platform as a research infrastructure on ESG intelligence. This Centre will provide useful information (i.e., alternative data) for future ESG research for local as well as international researchers who need to have integrated ESG measures for listed firms from multi-stakeholders’ perspectives, including asset owners and analysts in investments, accounting professionals, clients and consumers, and corporate communication professionals.
2. To conduct knowledge transfer
In terms of knowledge transfer, the Centre is expected to organize seminars and conferences to bridge the knowledge gap for industry professionals who are interested in the latest ESG intelligence for their job-related decisions to enhance business sustainability of their companies.
3. To educate HSUHK students
The Centre also serves as a hub for educating students and disseminating information for academics at HSUHK who are interested in equipping themselves with ESG related knowledge for their personal development and career.
Faculty Development Scheme
Guidance Notes (FDS2) for Completing the Application Form (FDS1)
Guidance Notes for FDS including the salary of SRA/RA etc,.